
The science behind FastReset®

How does FastReset® work? By activating the brains faculty of neuroplasticity the circumstances previously causing stress are reevaluated and spontaneously updated. Distressing and now superfluous emotions are released and the body relaxes.

Immediately. Permanently. Effective.

The reason that FastReset® is effective immediately and permanently lies in its functioning principle: It activates the brain's natural capacity to give a new meaning to a situation. We all have this capacity!

Little children fear the darkness - as an adult you smile with empathy when comforting your own offspring. Ultimately many (all?) situations that cause us stress today, will loose their importance. Looking back in 10 or 20 years on your own current struggles ... you will think of yourself with sympathy and understanding.

With FastReset® you can get to this point immediately. By releasing stress, fears, worries, anxieties, anger, feelings of guilt and what not on a biological level (in your emotional brain's programming) you create a new emotional reality. And this reality is permanent. Hebb's law and polyvagal theory explain why this new reality is permanent.

You will feel the effect and effectiveness of FastReset® already during the exercise. Many clients describe the effect as a release of tension. They report relaxation of muscles. A change of perspective. What troubled them loses importance. Many take a spontaneous deep breath (in the way you do when you get a relieving message) or even yawn. Knowing that this is a sign of profound relaxation I love to see my clients yawn!

What is a FastReset® session like?

You come to me for a reason. You are stressed, be it by the demands in your private life, at work or life in general. Whatever it is, you know what is bothering you. And that's really all you need to know. You do not need to prepare for our session.

During our session - on the surface - we are having a relaxed conversation. By asking the right questions about your emotions I get everything I need to know to create a tailor-made exercise for resetting your emotional brain regarding the specific issue we work upon.

I will then guide you through this exercise allowing you to release distress and negative emotions - right then and there in our session. No home work required, no need to repeat or practice the exercise. The release is immediate and permanent.

The net effect is that your emotional brain (re)learns to distinguish relevant from irrelevant aspects. It remains calm in situations that may have caused excessive and exaggerated reactions before. In a nutshell: Instead of being anxious, upset or worried you remain relaxed, composed and rational.

"Limits" of the technique

As you can imagine, a single application of FastReset® does not release all the tension in your life. Each exercise works on a specific issue. Like the irritability towards your partner. The feeling of guilt for not being a "perfect" mother or father. An exaggerated worry. Feeling blocked to make a certain change in your life.

The art in relaxation coaching with FastReset® is identifying the "emotional program" most relevant for your distress and removing it. This is done by having your emotional brain (mostly the limbic system and the amygdalae) create a new and updated evaluation of the situation you work upon. Having created this "new reality" (remember the example of fearing the darkness?) you will have different emotions (or sometimes not an emotional reaction at all) and accordingly a different behaviour. All this comes naturally. Without any effort. Along with this comes an upgrade in consciousness. Feeling differently about your situation, your partner, your children or your work you will see them differently. Understand them better. Create better relationships.

One further note on the limits of FastReset® : the "new reality" created is in line with the person's (current) maximum, physiological level of cognitive maturity. In other words: Using FastReset® an adult may get over her feeling of uneasiness being alone in public but not a small child who cannot find his mother.

What you do during the FastReset® exercise

I'm sure you are curious, what you as a client actually do, when applying the FastReset. I don't want to spoil the surprise but let me assure you, that practically everybody is able to do it. The only abilities you need are

  • to activate the emotion you want to release (Remember how angry you were back then? How do you feel when thinking of that upcoming exam?),

  • to observe your body (Where do you feel the emotion? Are your muscles tense? Do you feel pain on your shoulders? What else?),

  • to pronounce a tailor-made, neurologically potent sentence giving your emotional brain the critical information to properly understand what's going on and transform the emotions. I'll create this key sentence for you but also happily teach you how to do it yourself.

  • to voluntarily and consciously activate a neurological effect that deconditions your emotional brain from reacting in a stressed way. This is done by voluntarily shifting your undivided attention - in a specific sequence - between three decisive focal points, including certain areas of your body with neurological predominance and activating up to 70% of your brain cortex. Spoiler: Controlling your breath is not involved!

Sounds difficult? Relax and rest assured: When being guided through the exercise, it's so simple that children from the age of five can do it!

What FastReset® is not

FastReset® is a novel technique for deconditioning and releasing exaggerated, non-functional, not helpful emotional reactions. It was developed by Maria Grazia Parisi, a medical doctor and psychotherapist who is specialised in treating psychosomatic disorders and has a master in neurology. FastReset® is based on her original research and has been refined, improved and consolidated since 2009. FastReset® does not employ hypnosis, tapping, or rhythmical stimulation like others techniques. During a a FastReset® application the person is always fully conscious and in control of the process.